Wild Horse Education

Valentine Cards

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Do you have horse loving kids making their Valentine cards (or making a few yourself)?

You can click on the image below and go to a downloadable pdf you can print, cut into single cards and then use for cards or gift tags.

click image to download printable pdf

We are united in our love for our wild horses and burros. These simple cards are a token of our appreciation for your advocacy and support.

We are working on the backside of our cases at Pancake, Blue Wing and against closed door facilities. We are working hard on the Antelope case, the case to gain enforceable welfare rules. Today, we are working on the lawsuit to stop ranchers from forcing another large roundup at Stone Cabin when BLM never followed up on the promises made in management plans. Our labor of love for our wild ones.

We ask that on Valentine’s Day, you take action. We made it easy: Just Click HERE

You can read more about our long battle to gain a welfare policy, including the court cases that were necessary to simply get to where we are now (BLM internal standards) by clicking HERE.

Thank you for your love and devotion to our wild ones. Thank you for being their Valentine.

We hope you spend time with those you love (furred, feathered, scaled, two and four legged) on this special day.

From all of us at Wild Horse Education.


Categories: Wild Horse Education