Learn and Take Action

As we advocate for wild horses and burros we have to take actions toward long term goals as well as short term actions.

We update this page as often as we can. However, we get very busy and new action items come out without much lead time for fast action. The best way to stay on top of changing actions is to subscribe to the website to receive notifications when we publish new articles. Click HERE.

Scroll to RED for Action Items

Preface to all actions: Actions that address policy fall into 3 different branches of government. More HERE that can help you understand that a bit about the “who and how” of advocating for change.

WHE reports and pages that can assist you in your advocacy. Having  information you can present to bolster your claim to create the changes you seek can be vital. Our resource page can give you some background and data to use in your own advocacy. HERE.

Learn more about Herd Management Area Plans (HMAP) and how that is the first step to addressing many of the on-range issues that have been neglected for decadesCLICK HERE

Learn more about the need for formal rulemaking to gain an enforceable welfare policy CLICK HERE(This article carries and additional action item asking that the 2024 bill be amended to include funding for rulemaking)

Each ACTION will be prefaced in RED text.

The debate for Appropriations fiscal year 2025 is underway.

How can we make an impact that turns the path backwards into actual reform moving forward?

We need to get funding designated to directly address abuse, management and loopholes to slaughter closed. What this means is that Congress needs to fund processes that open doors or defund processes to close them.

  • Designated funding for formal rulemaking for an enforceable welfare policy. BLM’s internal standards are simply not an enforceable policy and are failing to provide mandated protections from abuse.
  • Designate funding to clear the backlog of Herd Management Area Plans (HMAP) to address site-specific management goals and objectives and define the site-specific actions to meet them.
  • Defund the Adoption Incentive and Sale Programs. BLM should only be funding the standard adoption program and get rid of gimmicks that have no safeguard to comply with the law to protect horses and burros from slaughter.

Click here to send the above message to your reps in the House and Senate. All members of Congress can provide input to the Appropriations committees right now to influence drafting of the spending bills for 2025.

Learn More about the debate HERE.

Save Americas Forgotten Equines (SAFE) to STOP Horse Slaughter.

The SAFE Act is intended to stop the slaughter of horses in the U.S. If the Act passes, it will not only be illegal to slaughter horses in the U.S. for commercial product, it will be illegal to ship them for the purpose of slaughter outside the U.S. (more)

The bill currently has 221 cosponsors.

You can take a fast click and send action by clicking HERE

Fight Abuse

Abuses on an off the range continue. We must gain expansion and revision of the Comprehensive Animal Welfare Policy (CAWP). Just like everything: there is a law and then an internal policy to carry out the law. The law says management must be humane, CAWP is the policy driven by litigation to carry out that law.

You can learn more by reading our 2022 CAWP report and recommendation sheets.

You can help us bring this important work to the next level by adding your name HERE. 


If you want to learn more about the “HMAP” and the BLM plan: https://wildhorseeducation.org/2020/05/20/blm-plan-and-the-hmap/

Help us stay in the fight.