Wild Horse Education

Revive Economy, Congress Should Invest in Protecting Wildlife, Restoring Public Lands

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Our wild horses are part of the system of public lands. We are losing America’s wild places fast.

WASHINGTON— As Congress works to restart the American economy, 200 wildlife, conservation and environmental justice groups requested $25 billion in funding for a broad array of new and existing wildlife and public-lands conservation programs that will create hundreds of thousands of jobs and benefit people, communities and the environment.

The letter highlights projects that can be immediately implemented with additional funding, including recovering endangered species, building wildlife corridors, restoring watersheds and coastal areas, and addressing invasive species. (Final Congressional Wildlife Stimulus Letter)

Today’s letter notes that on-the-ground conservation and restoration work is needed in virtually every corner of the United States. This work creates quality jobs that can’t be outsourced and provide employment opportunities for those suffering disproportionately from the current economic downturn.

“Bold investments in the recovery of fish and wildlife species and the restoration of the nation’s public lands and waters will provide countless benefits for generations to come,” said Josh Osher, policy director for Western Watersheds Project. “Funding for the programs and projects we have highlighted will improve our quality of life, protect and enhance public health, and provide many new high-quality jobs throughout America.”

“Public works projects have been utilized in recovery programs in the US during economic downturns brought on by the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression,” stated Laura Leigh, President of Wild Horse Education. “Tourism creates a renewable resource in many states. Creating jobs to improve our public lands will not only help economies in the short-term, but for the long haul. Putting people to work preserving and protecting our wild places should be a focal point in any ‘new normal’ our nation works toward after the wake-up call created by climate change and Covid-19.”

“We keep bailing out big banks and Wall Street. We should be putting Americans to work protecting our public lands.” she concluded.

The projects and programs outlined in the letter focus on changing our relationship with the natural world and are key steps towards protecting against future pandemics. Decades of scientific studies have warned that, in addition to live wildlife markets, habitat destruction and biodiversity loss create a significant risk of zoonotic disease crossover into humans.


At Wild Horse Education we are working on a vast number of issues that threaten our wild, wild horses. At present, one of the main fights is again in Appropriations (spending). The 2020 battle still rages, as the 2021 battle moves forwards. We all have a chance to educate Congress on one of the main deficits in wild horse management; there are no management plans.

Please take this action today. 


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Categories: Wild Horse Education