Wild Horse Education

Happy Birthday Marie!

Video above taken by Marie Milliman of the Red Desert release late last year.

Marie joined WHE in late 2016 and rapidly became a vital part of our CAWP (welfare) team at roundups. The fight against abuse fueled a fire in her and her commitment galvanized.

Swasey HMA in Utah

The personal journey of each and every advocate takes you through the complex world our wild horses and burros live in.

Marie, picking up one of her mustangs at the BLM Ridgecrest facility.

Marie began her journey as an adopter of wild horses. The amazing relationship she built with her mustangs led her to want to learn more about where they came from. Her search led her to WHE. 

Marie left a small wreath of hair on the range during the Owyhee roundup, the home of one of her mustangs.

Marie has taken the time to learn policy and protocol, the range and the system of holding. Today, her articles have been published in magazines and her “boots on the ground” have become a true asset as we continue the fight. 

Humble, and tenacious in her quest to learn, Marie continues her journey. We are so very proud of all of her work and look forward to being a part of her continuing journey as a strong voice for our wild ones. 

We appreciate all you do! 

Happy Birthday! 

You can see some of the articles by Marie, and some her work contributed to, HERE. 

Marie and the rest of our CAWP team are getting ready for helicopter roundup season. You can help in our fight against abuse with this easy downloadable postcard campaign HERE. 

Help keep us in the fight. 


If you are shopping online you can help Wild Horse Education by choosing us as your charity of choice on IGive or Amazonsmile.com 

Categories: Wild Horse Education