Wild Horse Education

BLM Approves Funding For “Partnerships”

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved a funding grant for “partners” for the wild horse and burro program.

The new administration is revamping policy and priorities for the program. To date they have cancelled use of ovariectomy via colpotomy and approved money for partnerships.

We have not heard any news, as of yet, on how this administration will handle planning, other forms of sterilization, the Adoption Incentive Program, CAWP review, drought, the pending roundup schedule, etc. We know that spaying and funding PZP have been focal points for many individuals, but we certainly hope we can get the administration to focus on the core issues in management planning that cause so many of the problems that repeatedly land in courtrooms and transparency. We will update you when we have more info.

BLM states:

“Partnerships formed through this funding opportunity will support critical activities important to the management of wild horses and burros. Proposed projects could include activities such as establishing training programs for wild horses and burros, facilitating the placement of excess animals into private care or assisting with management efforts on public lands, including fertility control application and building range improvements. Applications to care for excess wild horses and burros in off-range facilities, as well as proposals to fund research, are not eligible under this funding opportunity.

Applicants may propose to partner with BLM field, district and national offices. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the BLM subject matter expert in the relevant office where the proposed work would take place to discuss the type of projects that are available, and whether they meet the requirements under this funding opportunity.”

If you have something that you wish you could do, it is suggested that you contact BLM first to see if your proposal is something BLM would consider.

You can find more info: Notice of Funding Opportunity on Grants.gov.

The deadline for submission is May 28.

The total amount of funding BLM has allotted to this program is unknown at this time.

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Categories: Wild Horse Education