Wild Horse Education

Swasey update and action item

The debate on funding rages on in Congress. Additional funding for PZP (one form of temporary fertility control that BLM most often applies with the use of a helicopter roundup) wont change the reality lived by our wild horses. Additional funding for the tool is useful, but it is one more “tool in the toolbox” that does not address any management deficit. We will still head into the largest years of roundups in US history, with no actual management plan.

We now have a fast “click and send” you can shoot off to your legislators: Click HERE.

Day 6: 42 wild horses were captured, bringing the total to 506. 

The first run of the day, featured above, saw a youngster fall over the rocks. Youngsters travel as close to their family as they can. This one fell, rose and was captured along with the rest of the family.

MMDay6 - 1 (16)

The second run, a stallion made a valiant attempt to lead his family to safety. The pressure from the chopper distracted them and they were capture. His call to the trap are haunting.

A look at the rest of day 6 below. 

Report from day 7 coming soon from our observer out in the field.

Our outreach team is trying hard to push management planning as a priority in Congress. Why are we continuing to pay a house builder, year after year, that has not created blueprints? Why do we just keep buying him more tools for his toolbox?  Exactly the same thing going on in the budget debate.

Help us today. 

We now have a fast “click and send” you can shoot off to your legislators: Click HERE.


If you are shopping online you can help Wild Horse Education by choosing us as your charity of choice on IGive or Amazonsmile.com 


Categories: Wild Horse Education