Wild Horse Education

PSA, World Cancer Day #WeCanICan

There are so many forms of cancer, the pink ribbon symbolizes breast cancer.

There are so many forms of cancer, the pink ribbon symbolizes breast cancer. (ribbon colors)

Today is World Cancer Day. The objective is to raise awareness to the multiple types of cancer and the millions of lives effected every year. Not only those that struggle to survive the disease but those that are a support system, face daunting challenges.

Cancer is a scary word. Many people avoid thinking about it until it is too late. Early detection can save your life. Mammograms, prostate exams and regular medical checkups should not be put off until “tomorrow.”

Finding out you have cancer changes everything. It leaves you struggling to navigate medical treatment while trying to pay bills. It leaves you trying to keep relationships with family, friends and work intact. It can leave you feeling lost in a fast moving world as you think about your own death. It leaves the people around you confused as how to act. It changes everything.

The tagline for this years campaign is “We can. I can.” We can find more effective screening. We can create better treatments and find cures. We can help those that can not afford care, worldwide. We can change the stigma.

At Wild Horse Education we take a moment to spread the message of World Cancer Day.

Our founder was diagnosed in 2013 with breast cancer. Cancer, reactions and treatments, do not come in a “one size fits all” package. Today she received an email from the cancer center asking that stories be shared to raise awareness.

“The depression that came with the diagnosis was the worst for me. I found myself having to figure out how to leave my life to fight for it. It was killing me fast. My doctors worked hard to create a treatment plan that allowed me to keep working. It involved short term, very intensive treatment. I was not a good patient, I hate hospitals. I have had a life with too many hospital visits. Cancer was not something I could muscle through or run from, I tried. At one point they did threaten to tie me to a hospital bed and my doctor followed through on her threat. After eight surgeries, and treatments that left me really sick, I am still here. I struggle every day with the effects of treatment on my body and the psychological ramifications that touch every aspect of my mind every single day.

Most people know someone that has struggled, survived or died from some form of this disease. I urge everyone to take a moment and remember them today. In that memory take a step forward, even if it is one step. Make a screening appointment for yourself, volunteer a few hours to aid someone undergoing treatment or make a small lifestyle change like starting to exercise. Most importantly remember to celebrate life, tell those that matter to you that you love them.” ~ Laura Leigh, founder WHE

In 2013 we were given permission by Melissa Etheridge to use the song “I Run For Life” in our year in review.  WHE continued to “Run For Life” for the wild horses…

I run for hope, I run to feel
I run for the truth for all that is real
I run for your mother, your sister, your wife
I run for you and me my friend
I run for life

Categories: Wild Horse Education

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