Wild Horse Education

East Pershing (new baby run, blizzard, roundup update)

Above: Two groups were driven from far away down into the maze of barbed wire. As the smaller band turns, you can see the newborn. The larger group was driven into trap first. Foaling has begun.

This time of year, with new births and heavily pregnant mares, is far too dangerous for helicopter drive trapping. BLM says they do not roundup during foaling season, attributes arbitrary dates to foaling season with no site-specific data. Every single year at the end of January, we see new foals and the cycle repeats.  Please, continue to call the district and state offices HERE.

We carries litigation to address both the fact that BLM has no enforceable welfare policy and that BLM has failed to create data-driven management planning to define things like foaling season, critical habitat and management goals and objectives.

You can help us make gaining an enforceable welfare policy a priority for 2024.

You can send a fast letter to your lawmakers in Congress by clicking the linked text: Roundups need to stop until BLM creates an enforceable welfare policy. Click HERE.

Above: We tried not to edit this down too much so that you can see little legs running to keep up. We do have to edit for bandwidth on the website and loaded as long a video as we could. Instead of leaving this band on the range, the pilot pushes the new baby. This is not a “zero out.” BLM in charge wants the area “cleaned out.”

Above: Wild horses are being driven long distances into areas they are unfamiliar with. BLM is moving horses to the trap, not trap to horses. You can see the maze, confusion and each time bands try to go home, are pushed back.

Above: BLM continues to load from stock trailers onto semi trucks for the immediate trip to a holding facility (skipping sorting at temporary holding). Even though there is intense activity and traffic, observers are not allowed closer. It looks like the “pink hat” is trying to show the wrangler how to use a paddle. That lesson is rapidly forgotten.

Above: Apparently no one was watching the weather report to determine a safe time to stop the operation and BLM pushed into a snowstorm. Despite the heavy snowfall,  you can see the paddle being used to poke and jab. Even being turned around to jab horses with the handle.

Our observer is back onsite.

BLM is doing one more day at this trap to “clean up” the area.

BLM has captured: 2,547 Wild Horses (1,022 Stallions, 1,178 Mares, and 347 Foals).

BLM has shipped (to the off-limits to the public facility in Winnemucca): 2,378 Wild Horses (949 Stallions, 1,106 Mares, and 323 Foals) and is shipping directly from the range (no temporary holding). They say they “released” 3 that escaped.

BLM has reported 26 deaths (including a 20-year old stallion killed yesterday for a missing eye).

This leaves 140 unaccounted for in BLMs daily update on their website. Edit: We found out that 2 days ago, BLM began shipping to temporary corrals south of Battle Mountain (observers were not informed of the change). Logistically, this simply does not make sense and we are looking into it.

We need your help to continue to document, expose, work toward reform with lawmakers and litigate. Our wild ones deserve to live free on the range, free from abuse and you deserve a voice. 

Thank you for keeping us running as we work to protect and preserve our wild ones. 

Categories: Wild Horse Education