Tonopah (Paymaster/Montezuma) NV 2010

Reposted from Laura Leigh’s Blog

BLM “gather update” page:



It has been a bit of a “rough trek” trying to report to all of you the treatment of our horses as they are rounded up and handled by the BLM. I am still trying to get a report on the actual trap for Horseback.

In Tonopah we had an AML of 3 at Paymaster because they didn’t want to list as a “zero out” and to allow a horse or two to cross the border on occasion.

Observation was discriminatory, again.

It has taken me some time to edit the footage together that I have to give you all a “taste” of the frustration. It is frustrating to view the tapes and review the documentation.

Gather reports:

Field office data… Please note the number of “Fast tracked” projects and that so many use WATER. Also note how proud the district is of how much gold and silver come from the land (we all know about mining and what it does to WATER):

Note the date on this project that utilizes heliostats (water) in the federal registry, Sept. 3, 2010 with expected approval of Dec. 2010:

Warning in New York Times article:

“The Nevada controversy highlights the emerging conflict between the Obama administration’s plans to greatly expand the use of renewable energy and the concerns of those who fear solar arrays, wind farms and geothermal plants could disrupt or destroy wildlife habitat and soak up precious water supplies in the arid West.”

But OUR horses are just about gone now in this area and the main reason given is lack of water… but we can bend over (literally) to create avenues to “fast track” projects, yet can’t find a way to make sure horses can get water.

Silver King video soon… Just need to push through the frustration. 

Edited to add stills.

on the road…


Been at Tonopah…

Amazing horses with such a will to be free in an openly hostile environment for wild horses… not the landscape but the human element that is actually vocally hostile. Beyond sad.

The same old access games were played with a real twist that kept obsertvers from viewing any activity as horses are brought in. Enough time transpired to “load ‘em on the truck and take ‘em to town” before we ever got a glimpse.

I’ll edit video and post pics soon. Writing a long piece for Horseback and working in several directions… you will hear all about it very soon.

Back on the road….