Wild Horse Education

Swaswey Ends (A Roundup Begins Long Before a Chopper Flies)

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Day 10, some of the last to lose freedom in phase 1 of the removal operation

Photo montage of the roundup at the bottom of the page.

While the Swasey roundup held the public captive, holding their breath and praying for no more tragic deaths, the debate continues to move forward in Congress on funding for the wild horse and burro program.

Congress still doesn’t “get it.” Big corporate interests have always had the ear of Congress through big money.  The messaging is always skewed, always a tagline, on all sides of this conflict. Wild horses are in desperate need, 4 emergency roundups begin this week, but “3 mines were approved and will draw down the water table further, and 800 cows are still out in the HMA,” turn and repeat. There is validity to what everyone is talking about, but not what they are asking Congress for to “fix it” (all sides of this conflict).

Is it by ignorance or design? after over a decade of dealing with it first hand,  and witnessing the damage it causes, we have stopped trying to figure that out. The attention we now give it stops at identifying: “it is a big problem.”

The “why” is about as relevant to the excuses that came when we asked for the panels to be open so the wild ones could have free access to water during the roundup. Only that fact that they did not have free access to a water important to them (wild horses), and the solution, were relevant to the change our wild ones needed. Again, we thank all  of you for your action. (more here)

Congress is still, after 50 years, steering policy toward a collapse of the system and failing to push for management. 

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The grey mare in the center of the photo above was the second to collide into the trap panel. The grey survived. The first mare did not.

Swasey has ended. 603 wild horses captured in phase 1, 200 targeted in phase 2 beginning mid-August. 2 tragic deaths.

Congress is set to just buy “more tools for the toolbox” and fail, yet again, to address any deficit in management. This program will collapse and more wild horses than ever will be in danger of the slaughter pipeline.

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One last look home, for the last wild horses captured during this helicopter roundup, at Swasey

Help us get Congress to actually take a step to address the first flaw in management, that has stood for nearly 50 years, the lack of actual management plans.

Click HERE and learn and take action today! 

Or take our “fast action.” We really are up against massive corporate lobby groups, with less than honest intentions.

Click HERE.

A roundup starts long before a chopper flies. If you want to help “stop roundups” we need to address the rapid loss of our herds and their habitat.

It begins with the management plan.

While the Swasey roundup held public attention, our drought teams have been reporting in.

There are 4 emergency roundups in the West, all due to “water emergencies.” 

We will have an extended report coming soon.

We can not say this enough, a roundup starts long before a chopper flies.

Help us bring the fight to the place it begins, the land the wild horse stands. Management; federal agencies are tasked with management, not removal. The fight for the wild horse and burro begins there. 

Some more “tech talk” about management and why the HMAP matters. 


If you are shopping online you can help Wild Horse Education by choosing us as your charity of choice on IGive or Amazonsmile.com 

Swasey roundup (10 days). We have a 45 day roundup just around the corner, coming soon, where 1600 are targeted. That roundup also began… long before the chopper flew.

Slideshow below of the wild ones stacked up trying to get water, and then having free access to that water, during the roundup. Thank you!

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Photos from the 10 day roundup


Categories: Wild Horse Education